Understanding GoutUric acid (English: uric acid, urate) is a purine derivative compound with the chemical formula C5H4N4O3 and plasma ratio of between 3.6 mg / dL (~ 214µmol / L) and 8.3 mg / dL (~ 494µmol / L) (1 mg / dL = 59.48 mol / L) .In humans, uric acid is a product of purine nucleotide catabolism last track, because the absence of urikase enzyme that converts uric acid into allantoin. Excessive levels of uric acid can cause kidney stones and / or gout in the joints.
Symptoms Of Uric Acid
Men are more prone to gout than women, especially when they are over the age of 30 years. In women, the disease usually occurs after menopause risk.
People affected by an attack of gout will usually feel the rapid progression of symptoms in the first few hours. The pain can last for 3-10 days. Swelling does not only occur in the joints, but also in the area around the joints accompanied by reddened skin color. At this stage, the patient may not be able to move freely
How to Deal With Gout
Consumption of foods containing high potassium such as tomatoes, potatoes, yogurt and bananas.
Consumption of fruits that contain lots of vitamin C, such as oranges, papaya and strawberries.
Do not Consume
Offal brain, lungs, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys and tripe, cold food or cold drinks, fatty foods
Prevent Gout
Often exercise to the body is always healthy and always fit condition
Consuming foods that are healthy and nutritious
Always keep the body of the hygiene conditions
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Pertanyaan Yang Sering Diajukan
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Cara Pembelian Obat
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